Saturday, September 30, 2006

life should be stereo:


disclaimer: familiar senarios to these situations are purely coincidental, assumptions made are based on groundless claims. no names have been given or made-up to prevent malign or slander. protest and confession is strictly not recommended (unless u prefer to stand up, speak up and acknowledge that you, yourself and the point do coincide- in short, means u admit to the fault. they are numbered, FYI. queue up to confess).

1. i dislike looong hours in poly. it totally sucks! not too bad for a first week, but i think its gonna get a lot worser...

2. i really detest self-centered people. like u just dont give a fking damn about anyone's feelings around you, its bloody annoying in that sense.

3. i hate 'intellectual beings' (or those who think they are) who are super insensitive abt some issues, or think they're too smart to handle such small situations, then pass off some vile and crude remarks- snobbish smug suckers.

4. i think my nanny used to tell me that i get these random moodswings when i dont have enough sleep. i dont know whether thats true. haha!

5. i do get shy, or embarrassed OKAY. too bad if you have a total lack of emotions in your airhead, or maybe u're just spastic. no offence.

6. oh-so-perfect people, im just normal. so put your mouth where your ass is, cos your 'constructive comments' are rather useless as an encouragement or a reverse psychology effect, sad to say. THINK, before u do say anything, before u hurt another person's feelings. (oh wait, u're perfect. u cant hurt anyone with your words.)

7. before u condemn others and think that they shd change... yes THINK otherwise, again. i thought of it before too, give everyone else a chance to change, give yourself a chance. im giving myself one, im giving one to u too. (everyone's changing, i gotta change too. change out of my dirty clothes, salvation is here. lol! oops no offence, again.)

8. one day if im gone, and i do get to open the drawers of my deeds; good and evil, humiliating and disgusting, i hope to look back and see that i've really learnt to grow up. (and if u think that my drawer's full of shit about u, u have just added another file into your own shit folder.)


20. it might just be the right number for me to count to, helps keep my temper in check. count your blessings if it helps. really, dont push your luck. there's much more than 20 unreasonable stuff if i do continue. sorry, but i think my fuse just blew.

i'm gettin it fixed, right after this post.


"its the kind of movies where u go on laughing without thinking too hard, and when u come out u forget what u're actually laughing about." definition of light-hearted movies from claraLoh!