Sunday, October 08, 2006


my msn sub-nick was once donuts. i wondered why i spelt it like that. then people started correcting me, from dounuts to doughnuts. (cos i have this insatiable appetite for mini munchy doughnuts, which regrettably, i havent been able to find a suitable substitution for it. bah!)


i loved movie-nights out with my family during my childhood, which we'd drive-in and park in juncti8n for a movie; the only thing that keeps me glued to e seat for a longer period of time, and for my dad to grab a snore in the theatre. (runaway kid?) and get snacks! what snacks?


check it out!

cease operation in singapore since... probably a decade ago, or if there is an outlet, maybe i'm just oblivious to its presence. (please enlighten me *SMILE*) and thats how long since i've caught a decent movie with my family =)

okay im sidetracking again. yeah DOnuts were my fav snacks to savour. i can eat a dozen at one go! to a kid, thats a lot oookay. rainbow and chocolate polka dots, sugar ones, plain ones. i dont know if they still do make DOnuts, but all its webby shows is coffee stuff.

so if u do see me eating DOnuts, u'd know why.
i just love it =D


england just drew with macedonia 0-0

p.s. hunger made me do this post!